Dec 8, 2010

A Nice Honor Down in SoCal . . .

Looks like I got an Honorable Mention in the Randy Higbee "6 x 6" show on Saturday. The show was co-judged by Jean Stern, Director of the Irvine Museum, in Irvine, California – and Jeff Horn, a fine painter in his own right.

Much appreciated, Mr. Stern and Mr. Horn. Thank you for the recognition.

Here is the painting:

"After the Rain" 6 x 6 | oil on panel

Painted en plein air, off Jackson School Road, north of North Plains, Oregon. Was driving to catch up with another painter further on down when I blew by a stand of trees and dirt lane. Pulled over and decided to catch up with the other artist later in the day.

I have plans to paint this scene again, but much larger, in the field. Much, much larger . . .


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