Jul 3, 2011

Telluride, Day 5? 6?

Things are starting to run together. But today was the first of two public sales days. Last night was the gala. Here is me, and fellow artists Darrel Hill (Hawaii), and Michele Byrne (Pennsylvania) before the Gala.

Today was the public sale. Here is a quick scan of the lower part of our outdoor booths. Some great work to be seen and bought here.

YouTube Video

In late the afternoon a lady walked by in a 1880's period dress and so I asked her to pose for me.

Just a quick impromptu sketch with everyone around watching. She liked it so much I gave it to her.

Here is my booth overloaded with paintings.

And don't forget, there is just over one month to sign up for my Portland workshop.

Good night.

- Posted from my iPhone

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