Dec 18, 2013

Going Rogue...

For those who may not subscribe to PleinAir Magazine, 
here is an article I wrote about a group of Oregon outdoor painters who rafted the Rogue River last September.

This trip was put together by James Sampsel, of RowAdventures. James is an avid plein air painter himself, and even though it is December as I write this post, he is somewhere down in Arizona near Canyon de Chelly painting in the moonlight. Now that is a young artist to watch!

If you would like to raft one of the many awe-inspiring wild & scenic rivers of the Pacific Northwest, and paint along the way, then contact RowAdventures to get on their 2014 mailing list!


If you would like to work on your plein air skills with me next May in Tuscany check out the upper left corner of this blog! There are five spots left, so don't wait! Spouses and partner welcome also.

Cost is inclusive, from €1640 to € 2400. 
(Approximately $2,220 to $3,240 US; airfare not included.)

But don't wait to sign up, the early discount ends December 31st!

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