Mar 20, 2015

The Mystery of Seeing Color...

Okay, this is in fact a commercial but it still made me tear up a bit because the technology is real. I read about it a few months ago in a scientific journal. Fifteen years ago, when I ran an illustration department in a BFA program I once taught a young woman how to paint who was congenitally colorblind. Somehow, we made it work.

If you can't see this video click here...

5 reader comments:

Tim Young said...

I would love to try a pair of these on.

Unknown said...

Wow! We have little idea how totally blessed we are and what we take for granted. Can't imagine the emotion they felt seeing such beauty for the first time. Wondering how or if the glasses would affect normal vision? Thanks for the interesting and uplifting post today Thomas.

Thomas Jefferson Kitts said...

You are welcome Carolyn. It is such a fascinating technology and this video shows how connected our emotions are to color. Or at least, I think so.

Carole Belliveau said...

I had to share this video. My husband and I once got into a mini argument when I pointed out a gorgeous pink cloud to him. He thought I was being a crazy artist transforming grey to pink in my mind. But maybe he has a touch of color blindness. I have heard that everyone sees color differently anyway.

Thomas Jefferson Kitts said...

Well, if you wish to further antagonize your husband you can tell him that one out of three caucasian men of European descent exhibit some degree of red/green color blindness, mostly impacting their ability to see the red and green in low chroma, light and dark values. That would explain the cloud thing. This is due to the fact the color limitation is sometimes encoded on the X chromosome, and of course, we men only have one of those. Since women have two X chromosomes if one is defective the other can compensate.

And Carole, I look forward to working with you after the plein air convention in a few weeks. We can discuss this further then if you wish.