A Workshop in San Miguel de Allende, Mexico
February 19 - 23, 2018
For more info, visit: PLEIN AIR MEXICO | 2018
Yes, I know, this post is just a shameless plug for an upcoming workshop I've organized for this February. But it is such a fantastic workshop. One of my favorites of the year.
I've put this trip together three years in a row. And enjoyed co-teaching it with my good friends Anne Blair Brown and Frank Gardner every time, who are also excellent painters and instructors themselves. But the real reason, the best reason, you might want to think about signing on for this winter workshop is – well...
San Miguel de Allende itself, actually.
Sure, Anne, Frank, and I have a lot to offer the novice-to-intermediate painter. (Heck, we have ways to challenge the experienced painter as well.) But we are talking about painting and improving your painting in SMA – one of the most beautiful and exotic colonial Hispanic towns in the world.
You walk the streets of San Miguel and it is as if you have stepped back into the 16th century. You look at all the exuberantly colored walls, the ancient work-eaten doors, and the active open squares. You stop to grab a bite when you are hungry and the food is delicious It is as if someone has crossed the bistros of Paris with the taco carts of US and Mexico. You look into your wallet and you smile because it feels like you've become a gazillionaire – in pesos.
Then you go paint...
There are books and books and books about San Miguel. Photo albums such as "The Doors of San Miguel". Books about living in San Miguel, such as "On Mexican Time". Books about cooking in San Miguel. Books on making art in San Miguel. There are ex-pats from all over the world living there because the weather is perfect, the life is interesting, and everything is all so civilized. This also means there are many books about how to move to, or retire in, San Miguel. And the copies I have picked up in the restaurants and bars are always well-thumbed through.
Then you go paint some more...
The people of San Miguel are kind, thoughtful, and always happy to see you. They answer your questions, forgive you your elemental Spanish, chuckle, and then offer directions or advice in English.
This will be my sixth?... seventh?... trip to SMA. I have lost count because I keep going back. I keep bringing people with me too because I know many of them will start visiting regularly as well.
Because it is San Miguel.
If you would like to know why the readers of Condé Nast Traveler continually puts San Miguel de Allende on its 20 Best Places to Visit list each year, come paint in SMA with Frank, Ann, and I. You will fall in love too.
For more info, or to register, visit: http://thokitts.wixsite.com/sma2018
Imagine yourself painting outdoors in warm sunshine in the middle of January. Imagine the bright colors, the indescribable food, and lovely nights and lights of SMA. Bring your spouse, a partner, or a friend. It's all good.
But don't wait. This workshop is already half full and last year we had to put 15 people on the waiting list. Some of them have already signed up for this year...
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