Feb 1, 2019

My New Article about Painting on Monhegan Island in PleinAir Magazine is Now Out...

I just had an article published in the Feb/Mar issue of PLEINAIR MAGAZINE about my recent trip to Monhegan Island, Maine. 
In it, I share the pure joy of painting without purpose. If you are a subscriber, I hope you enjoy reading it as much as I enjoyed living and writing it. If you aren't subscribed, a copy can be purchased at your local magazine shop. If you must wait, I will publish it in full in three months. (Publisher's requirement.)
And yes – as my article says – I will be teaching a week-long plein air workshop this August on Monhegan. This will be a rare workshop from me, open to ALL mediums. I've already reserved accommodations for you in the grand old Island Inn, and in the artists' cottage Zimmie's – and I've put together an exciting itinerary for everyone to paint. So all you have to do is show up with your gear. 
Come join me, and experience the historic beauty of one of America's greatest art colonies! Paint in the footsteps of George Bellows, Robert Henri, Frederick Judd Waugh, Rockwell Kent, Kate Chappel, Elena Jahn, Lynne Drexler, and the three generations of N.C., Andrew, and Jamie Wyeth.

But don't delay: an announcement has already gone out to my Early Bird Workshop Notification List and folks are now signing up...

To learn more about this, and my other workshops, visit: 

Pictured above: An old postcard looking out over the dock, near Fish Beach.
Believe me when I say things have not changed all that much today – TJK

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